
Laura Dimon

Laura is a journalist based in New York. She works in documentary production at ABC News’ 20/20, an award-winning primetime program featuring news specials, true crime stories, and investigative reports. She started as a cub reporter for the New York Daily News, where she ran around the five boroughs on breaking news, courts, politics, crime, education, and more. She published more than 950 bylined stories from the newspaper’s NYPD bureau (“the shack”) and every corner of the city. Her work has also appeared in The New York Times, The EconomistThe Atlantic, Daily Beast, Huffington Post, Mic, and more. Before studying journalism, Laura lived in Pretoria, South Africa and worked as an HIV/AIDS program analyst within the South African National Dept. of Health. She has two master’s degrees from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Email her at laura.a.dimon@gmail.com or Laura.dimon@abc.com.